
"In this tempestuous, havoc-ridden world of ours, all real communication comes from the heart."

- Etty Hillesum

July 09, 2006

Dog tired.

Just got back from a fabulous walk with the husband and the dogs. Well, fabulous except that Dog #1 was acting like a butthead throughout the walk. Leash walking is one of the things we�re going to work on at school in the next few weeks; until then, he�s in a halti (the only thing that will keep him from yanking my arm off) and he hates it.

Of course, tonight, instead of walking with an angry look on his face and his ears pinned back in that, �Ok, you win � this time� look, he kept pawing at the halti and bucking and generally giving me a hard time.


It was still a fabulous walk though � the night is relatively cool (85 degrees) and it was the end of dusk while we were out � streetlights on, but it wasn�t too too dark yet. We kept a pretty good pace, although I don�t have quite the speed I used to. I�m not able to chug along as fast � I�m breathing a bit heavier and my body is more comfortable at a slower pace right now. (Hmm. Could it be because of the baby? The increased amount of circulating blood? The increased basal heart rate?)


Blue has been working a crazy amount of hours lately. He�s got a huge project he�s trying to get done, before the next big project comes crashing down upon him. Plus he�s trying to tie up some loose ends that have been loose for a while � all of this stuff before the baby comes.

So this morning (Sunday) he was out of bed by 6am and off to the office. I slept in for a few hours, then lazed around for another hour � then I got to work, myself.

I put the iPod on, grabbed my supplies and cleaned the house. (Well, most of the house. Somehow, the toilets never got done. I kept meaning to get to them, but other things called to me to be cleaned.)

I keep a box of exam gloves in my kitchen for cooking (I hate touching raw meat � especially chicken � eew), cleaning (don�t want those chemicals soaking into my skin) and various unsavory tasks (cleaning up dog vomit, etc.). I threw a pair of gloves on and got to it.

The kitchen is spotless. The laundry room is pristine. The floors are fabulous. I even got the carpet steam cleaner out and hit a couple of spots that I�d been ignoring. All of the laundry is done. The bedroom is organized.

In short: I rock.


Here we are at 17 weeks, 2 days of pregnancy. And I�ve been really really wanting to know the gender of the baby. I don�t care one way or the other what I�ve got cooking in there � I just want to know what it is!

Think about it: I started off this pregnancy knowing everything that we could possibly know.

I know the number of eggs and sperm that we produced.
I know the exact date and time of fertilization.
I have 5-day photos of the embryos.
I got to watch the doctor place the embryos in my uterus via ultrasound.
I had implantation cramping and spotting � I know the day and time the embryo dug into my uterine lining.
I know what my hCG, estrogen and progesterone hormone levels were starting on day 10, and continuing every two days until day 26.
I know how big the embryo measured at 5 weeks (gestational sack!), 6 weeks (heartbeat!), 7 weeks (starting to differentiate!), 8 weeks (first u/s at OB).

Since then, we�ve seen the kid once more on ultrasound (at the nuchal scan) � too early to tell gender. But that was over 4 weeks ago � and nothing since.

I�m now in information limbo. And it�s making me a little nutty.

It doesn�t help that everyone else I know (or whose blogs I read) know the genders of their babies. I�m slightly green about that.

And it also doesn�t help that every time I see someone I know, they ask if I want to know the gender, and whether we know the gender yet. (�Yes, no.�)

Although I have a checkup scheduled for Tuesday, I technically don�t have an ultrasound scheduled until late in July. That will be the �anatomical scan� ultrasound, where they look at every bit of the kiddo and measure and check things off on the checklist and confirm that everything is continuing to develop just fine.

But I don�t want to wait three more weeks! Seriously. I could, but I don�t want to.

So I called one of my nurses on Friday and laid it on the line with her. �I don�t want to be a pain in the ass patient. Really, I don�t. I deal with them all the time and I refuse to be one. But I also don�t want to make myself any nuttier than I already am � so let me just ask � is there any way we can take a peek when we�re in the office next week?�

I held my breath.

�Of course. Just tell whichever nurse is helping you that day that Sunny said you could take a peek. They�ll get the ultrasound out and fire it up, and you can see the baby.�


I know, I�m making a big deal out of it. And really, I could wait. But � I�m glad I asked. Now I don�t have to! Hopefully the kiddo will cooperate and we�ll be able to discern the gender. If not � well, that�ll teach me!

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Back? - November 10, 2007
Just a break. - June 19, 2007
Caddy day in the pool. - June 05, 2007
Sleep! And sleep, and sleep! - June 01, 2007
Happy days are here again ... - May 30, 2007

� More about Etty Hillesum, the woman in the photo.�