
"In this tempestuous, havoc-ridden world of ours, all real communication comes from the heart."

- Etty Hillesum

January 21, 2007

Baby medicine.

I think the baby is finally sleeping a little better. Not perfect yet ... But a little better. She has been somewhat less fussy over the past few days. Don't know if it's the Zantac we've been giving her for her reflux or whether it's just a little more maturity ... But I can tell she's acting at least a wee bit better.

Of course, I say all of that even though the baby had a few hours of being wide awake last night rather than sleeping from 3am until 5:30am like she should have been! (But at least she wasn't fussy.)

The Zantac sucks. It's a very bitter flavor. The doc says there's no real way to mask it. I've tried just dropping it in ... I've tried giving her some breast milk first and then the medicine ... I've tried mixing it with sugar water ... and each time getting her on the breast ASAP afterwards (for taste and comfort). Ugh, none of it really makes it any easier. The look on her face when that stuff is in her mouth makes me want to both laugh (have you ever seen a five week old baby make a "yucky face"?!) and cry (my poor unhappy baby ...).

Any suggestions? Anyone?

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Back? - November 10, 2007
Just a break. - June 19, 2007
Caddy day in the pool. - June 05, 2007
Sleep! And sleep, and sleep! - June 01, 2007
Happy days are here again ... - May 30, 2007

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