
"In this tempestuous, havoc-ridden world of ours, all real communication comes from the heart."

- Etty Hillesum

October 09, 2006

Continuing theme ... tired.

Not a whole lot of interesting news going on, here.

Friday was a bit of a bad day. Not for any other reason than I was extremely tired, a little physically down from a flu shot the day before, and � did I mention tired?

So when the baby furniture delivery guy called to tell me that the store had screwed up and he was only bringing 3 of the 4 pieces we ordered, and then told me he couldn�t assemble one of them unless he charged me $100, well � I was a little bummed. Then I called Blue to tell him the story, and my call interrupted some work, and he was a little short with me, so I started crying.

Then he asked what was wrong, to which I answered �Nothing, really,� (the honest truth) and he said, �Tell the delivery guys not to deliver the furniture until they have it all at once.�

At which point the crying became sobbing because I was FAR too tired to deal with it and there was no way I could make that kind of phone call without crying harder.

So I could hear him getting worried and I kept trying to catch my breath to say, �No, really, I�m fine, I�m just t-t-t-t-t-iiiiiiiiired,� and he let me off the phone.

I proceeded to sob, hard for about fifteen minutes, at which point the spirit left me and I was able to calm down a bit.

I wasn�t crying about the furniture � I think I was crying because something as simple as furniture delivery completely and utterly overwhelmed me.

At that point I spent about three minutes contemplating quitting school completely so I could get rid of the one bit of stress from my life I have control over. I quickly regained my sense (as I�m halfway done with the semester, what am I, a fool? I�m not quitting, I�m finishing this damned master�s degree in December, dammit).

And I was fine the rest of the day. Really. Even when the furniture delivery guys came and one of the pieces they did deliver was damaged. I jumped on the phone with the store, talked to the manager, and arranged to have a new one shipped out when they ship out my fourth piece of furniture sometime the following week. I was fine.

And the rest of the weekend was quiet. And productive. I got a big chunk of schoolwork done. I got a chunk of work done for Blue. I got the house neatened (laundry, dishes, etc). And I got some decent sleep.

Today I�m going to take a nice, long walk with the dogs. Then I�m going to go buy a frigging pair of casual pants that fits my ever-expanding belly, or at least rests underneath it without falling down. Then I�m going to zip the to grocery store. Then I�m going to get ahead on some more schoolwork. Then I�m going to TAKE A NAP!

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Last Few Entries

Back? - November 10, 2007
Just a break. - June 19, 2007
Caddy day in the pool. - June 05, 2007
Sleep! And sleep, and sleep! - June 01, 2007
Happy days are here again ... - May 30, 2007

� More about Etty Hillesum, the woman in the photo.�