
"In this tempestuous, havoc-ridden world of ours, all real communication comes from the heart."

- Etty Hillesum

June 28, 2006

My baby the chipmunk.

15 weeks, 5 days. Baby is rolling around, and either poking or kicking. It feels like a chipmunk pawing at my uterus. Very cool.


Work was relatively uneventful yesterday. I zipped out at lunch to have my AFP labs drawn � this is a test that can tell whether there is an increased risk of spina bifida or anencephaly or other diseases. I wasn�t too keen on having it done, but my OB kind of insisted, and I�m not one to buck a doctor�s authority (unless I work for them, in which case, all bets seem to be off). So I did it. And I�m not worried about it, I�m just annoyed that I had to get poked with a big needle for nothing.

Today I had the day off � it was nice. I slept in until almost 11 � (ELEVEN! Yah!) � then went and saw my personal trainer. I feel like I�m slowly losing ground on the working out � I should be more active, but I just don�t have the oomph.

After working out I spent several guilty (okay, not so guilty) hours watching the last of the episodes of Six Feet Under that I had never seen � including the finale. I cried � which surprised me. I don�t typically cry at TV shows. (Movies, yeah, but not TV shows.) I was so happy to see that Keith and David stayed together all those years with the boys, that I just lost it.

How often do I talk about television? Never, right? I don�t really watch much. The few shows that I did watch are all off the air � so I just don�t spend much time in front of the TV. I�d rather read. But I moved and had to give up HBO in the middle of the Six Feet Under series, and I always wanted to know what happened to the characters. Now that I�ve got HBO on demand again, I�ve been watching them. And now I�m done, so it�s back to reading stuff.


Some of my family members left today to travel to Israel for several weeks. I�m jealous I couldn�t go with them � I�ve only spent about 3 weeks in Israel but it�s absolutely the most beautiful place I�ve ever been.

Of course, it looks like a pesky little war may be breaking out over there, which is really sad and annoying. Those folks just can�t get their shit together. And as much as I love Israel, I�m really angry with the Israelis. They�re really treating the Palestinians like shit. And as awful as the Palestinians have been toward the Israelis, the Israelis are being worse. The funny thing is, so much of the conflict is centered around religion, and yet no one over there on EITHER side is being very holy. Killing people, sequestering them, harassing them, kidnapping them � none of these things are actions that God/Allah is probably very happy with. I wonder if He just sits up there, watching us down here � sighing occasionally and shaking His head in amazement at how stupid we can be when we try.

So I am keeping my fingers crossed for a safe trip for my family. I�m sure they�ll be fine, but it�s not the best time to be headed over there.

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Back? - November 10, 2007
Just a break. - June 19, 2007
Caddy day in the pool. - June 05, 2007
Sleep! And sleep, and sleep! - June 01, 2007
Happy days are here again ... - May 30, 2007

� More about Etty Hillesum, the woman in the photo.�